Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013 Fiscal Cliff and Costing Everyone

I am mad as hell and I do not want to take it anymore. Are you fed up like I am with all of this? I am sure you are. Okay, so what to do about it. Write your Congress people and Senators. It is that simple my friends. If enough paper starts coming into their office and stacks up and overflows from their desk they might want to think about listening to the American people and what we want. So, what do we want? For Congress to stop spending so damn much money just like we have to do when things get tight. Cut back, etc. Where to cut back. We all hear the hype from all directions, the news and our friends. But, who do we believe and what do we believe. I think it is time to go look for ourselves. How do we actually look at the United States government budget for 2013 and dig into what is spent. I do not think it is that hard to do but of course it will take time. Time is the most valuable thing to us as it cuts into our free time mostly. I am going to write more on this post as time goes on. I have to go about my day now. Follow me or bookmark my blog, okay? I took another minute and found this and it is free. It is 2011 but it should not be hard to get the 2013 budget soon.

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