Saturday, June 2, 2012

You've heard about cross linking ?

I'd like to offer something new to everyone. If you've done your homework you might have read about how cross linking can up your ratings with Google search. I've found it the hardest thing to try and convince people to cross link with me. Either they don't understand it or they are just lazy or both. No matter. I'm taking matters into my own hands now. Are you with me or do you stand alone? I will start by posting your link to your website, webstore or whatever, here on my blog underneath my links section. I'd like to ask that once you see that I've added your link, add my link to your page. It's that easy. Then, if this starts to get going I will create another page or website devoted entirely to our new linking family. If you can imagine the web that we can build on our own and all cross linked, wow. What this means is you will not only add my link to your page but you also add others. Ideally, we would all have the same links on each of our pages. Think about that for a moment. We can do this. I've just added my oldest brother's and his wife's Amazon store link to my links section. It only took 30 seconds to do. I then decided that today's post would be about that and my new idea. I urge to get going and do the same as I've just done. Send me your link first though. ;) Update: 8/7/12. I forgot about Google's Panda project. If you do a search on it you will read all about how they have upgraded how Google now indexes relevant web sites. From what I gather, cross linking is not the best idea any longer, text is. Cross linking cannot hurt though if done properly and not abusively. Care to give it a shot?

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