Studying more in the Amazon astore area section of their website I was able to easily create a banner ad for people to click on that will take you to my astore. The banner looks innocently like Amazon's own link but embedded in the coding behind the link is my Amazon astore i.d. number. That number associates my account with Amazon so when someone buys something I'll recieve the commission. More on commissions in another post.
Here is a jpg screen capture I did using Windows 7 Snippet Tool. It is self descriptive.
It's a little hard to read but there's nothing more I can do about that here.
As I continue my research in increasing traffic to my blog and my astore I'll update the report pictures for you to see. If your not already using Blogger you might give it some thought. Because it's a Google product it is going to get the service it needs as far as it being easy to find in anyone's Google search. Google puts a lot of hard work into giving us tools to make use of their product so why not take advantage. We all make money. That's the point I think Google has been trying to get across. Don't let others try and tell you about the internet scams and so forth. Research on your own. There's plenty of data on the web now where anyone can make an informed decision on their own.
I'm now into marketing on the web. You should be too. You spend enough time on your computer. Why not take a little time each night or whenever you can and get into this? It took me awhile to figure out but I'm hoping I can help you save some time now. I don't mind sharing my information. We all have everything to gain here. It's called 'networking'. You rememeber the term. That term is used with everything just about everywhere now. Maybe not as much as in the beginning but I feel we are onto another phase in life. Is there a name for this phase? I know people are searching and thinking about it. I am and have been. I can feel it. Can you? Get going, get rich, okay? Ask me any questions, I'll answer to the best of my knowledge.
In the mood to buy something? I know a place that ships fast. There are great reviews also. ;)
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