Do you keep up with the news these days? I'm not talking about just news you used to sit and watch on the tube either. These days we have smartphones that have apps which can gather news from all around the world. I've been enjoying my HTC Droid Incredible for a year now. It's the first thing I grab when I wake up to see what's new.
I have this earthquake app that signals me when there's an earthquake anywhere in the world. I have it set at anything above a 5.0 magnitude. I saw the Fukishima quake in Japan coming weeks before it happened. There was numerous little quakes several times a day, some one after the other and at various magnitudes. I knew something was going to happen rather large but just didn't know when. Then a few weeks later, whamo, it hit. That was exciting to say the least.
I have an app with my local t.v. news which I can pull up at any time and see late breaking news, or, should I say read about it.
Then there's Twitter. I had a Twitter account for a year and really didn't know what to make of it. I couldn't figure out what it was for much less how to use it. Then, I got this Android phone and there was an app for Twitter. I downloaded the free app and opened it and all of a sudden things started making sense. Don't ask me how but I follow a lot of different and interesting people now. I also follow a lot of news companies which give me late breaking news. I can say now that I never bother to watch t.v. news anymore and I don't miss it.
I've been working on my Amazon affiliate store also. I've figured out that if I can talk some people into opening their own store we could make some money between ourselves. This is how it works. I buy from Amazon off and on. If you had an affiliate store I would buy through it. You would get a commission of my purchases. Works the other way around also. Think about it. Amazon has been working on this affiliate store thing lately and it's now so easy to do. I think I should be offering classes on it just to get people going. We could form a large group and make money off each other. Just remember this one thing. You cannot buy through your own store. Get it now? Okay, what are you waiting for? Just go to Google and search for 'Amazon Affiliate'. Sign up and start adding categories to your store. Then get a blog here on Blogger and give people your store address. You can buy a domain name anywhere, ie. GoDaddy, and set it up to forward to your Amazon store when people type in the URL.
I'm doing it another way for now until I do the above though. I have links created here within my posts that will direct you to my store if you click on them to want to look at buying something. Then, there's a link back here also from my Amazon affiliate store.
All it takes is a little work each day or take several days. We all got time to spare once in awhile. When I think about it and am sitting around I go work on my blog or my store. What really got me excited was when I posted here about an AOL update that came out, a lot of people somehow found my blog and clicked on a lot of links. I made about $5.00 in that one day. It's not a lot but if you could get that every day that would add up quick. I'm still excited and I'm going to keep working on this until I can get to that point and beyond. The sky's the limit they say. So, get moving already. Let me know when you get started. I'll be here to help you if you need motivation or anything. We're all in this together now.
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