Monday, October 25, 2010

Another Adobe Update, this is really getting crazy

I think I posted less than two weeks ago about an update now today, another one. Adobe is now worse than Microsoft and their constant barrage of updates. I've got two updates in progress at the moment with my HPUPDATER program. One is a hotifx for a firewire problem. I don't even have firewire capability on this machine. The other is the HP Photosmart Essential program update. Something about a crash fix for photo uploads. I never do any photo uploads using HP's products either.
It's getting to be that I forget what it is I logged onto the computer for after sitting and waiting and watching all these updates install. Then, there's a reboot that just makes me go nuts. The sun has set and I missed another sunset because of this crap.
Maybe Unix is the answer but then there's a learning curve with that too. I don't have the kind of time I used to have. I think I'll stop this post and just wait for this last update to finish. I can't believe it's still going on.

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